Girls' Generation

Girls' Generation

Sunday 29 May 2011


today i move in to dorm finally,i need to stay here for 4 years...oh my gosh,i just feeling sad now...=(
tomorrow is my first day to the university,hope i wont get lost in UTAR =-=


Friday 27 May 2011

OH MY GOSHH,yoona so pretttttyyyyy....
I'm so excited when I'm watching this mv....
SHINee did a good job,i like this song,NICE!!
Gambateh SHINee & Yoona!!

Thursday 26 May 2011

Yoona appear in SHINee's Replay Japanese Version MV !!

Yoona soooooooo pretttttttttyyy...Her look gonna kill me~ Oh my goshhh....
I wanna watch this full mv~ Arghhh
Yoona Zzang !!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Orientation Week in UTAR

Freaking tired tired today...
I didn't bring the original SPM result and mada me cant hand in the forms...SUCKS!
Luckily hand in the forms has no dateline...

Thanks to my friend,carine so much because she fetch us back...hehe
And  thanks yeeling & kahhong so muchh because of take care of me...

Sunday 22 May 2011

I'm gonna leaving =(

oh my goshhhh, I can't believe that I'm gonna leaving from my lovely sweet home.
tomorrow,I will move in to my dorm with my friends and join the orientation week from university on 24/5. T.T
I will miss my sweet home so muchhh especially for my family members...

yesterday, I called my friend to help me buy the pendrive.
She ask me want what colour for that pendrive
I said I want pink colour.
She is shocked !! =-= what the hell...hahaha
She said why suddenly I'm so girlish...ZZZ (I'm girl, okay?! = =)
I said I want this colour because of my Girls' Generation...
She is speechless...muahahahahaha
Well, I don't get the pink colour pendrive but red and black pendrive T.T
damn sad now!!!

-----hope everything will be okay-----

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Jessica released a new solo track for KBS’s “Romance Town” OST !!

So happyyyyyy today because Jessica released this solo track.
This solo track very nice.
I love Jessica's voice, AMAZING !!
Besides that, congrats to the SME because SME revealed that their extra concert date for “SM Town Live in Paris” and sold out their tickets in just 10 minutes! PRO !

Monday 16 May 2011

Yoona !!

Well,I'm expecting this music video so much because of my yoona XDDD
Actually,I love korean version more but for the music video,i more prefer the japanese version,keke...
So,hope the full version of music video will be release as soon as possible,I can't wait for it anymore...haha

Big New For SONE !!

Finally I got the big new...It such a good new for me but it costs too expensive...sighhh...I have to save more than RM300 from now to buy the album if can... =(
Hope this album and Mr. Taxi daebak...
SNSD fighting !!

Sunday 15 May 2011

Sunny Bunny, Happy Birthday !!

Sunny Bunny, Aegyo Queen, Happy Birthday ya...wish you have a nice birthday party with the girls...
Stay healthy and happy always...may GOD bless our aegyo queen

Saturday 14 May 2011

Left Message In Soshified for the 4th anniversary

muahahahahaha...i joined this activity!!! i'm soooooooo happpppppyy now... hope our 9 tough angels alway stay strong ya. love you,muackzz

---gonna offline and going to sleep because  it is MIDNIGHT now. if not,my violent mum will kick my backside...shhhh~ it's just a joke XDDD

13 of May is my big day

haha~ i'm so happy when i watch this live through ustream...i'm scream during the performance in front of my laptop lolx. but anyway,our girls did a good job. can't wait for the next live performance of Mr. Taxi XDDD

Wednesday 11 May 2011

My New Life Gonna Start !

I get my car license today...woahhhhhhhh...happy happy
I want drive car now >.<''

Today kah hong, danny,carine and I went to the dorm and clean it before we move in...TIRED!
but mostly tired must be danny and kah hong... kamsaminda =)

Welcome My New Life :)

Tuesday 10 May 2011

MONSTER earphone

I want this MONSTER earphone badly... =(
I wish I can buy this earphone as my birthday present... SIGHHHHHHH
when I can have you?? T.T

Sunday 8 May 2011

Happy Mother's Day

today,i let my mom listen this song because i told her this song can represent what i want to tell her.
she said she cant understand korean,so i just find the subbed video to let her watch.
i have feel my mom wanna cry after watch this video ,maybe she so touching?! XDD
anyway,i love you,mom. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY =)

My new desktop

this is my desktop...keke
i have used 3 software for this desktop,that is objectdock plus,fences and dreamscene.
actually that dreamscene software has sound but i just dont have record the audio when recording.
i love this desktop so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh =)

Friday 6 May 2011

PASS my test!!

I cant believe that I can pass the test for yesterday...
Now I just feel that I'm so lucky because I'm almost fail for the test. XDDD
But anyway,I have pass the test,so I think I will get my car license next week. EXCITED!

Wednesday 4 May 2011


I don't know what should I do now...tomorrow I have the test to get the car license but I scare I cant do well in the test. May GOD Bless Me =(


Tuesday 3 May 2011

A Tired Day

Today, I just slept for 2 hours then wake up,SLEEPY =(
I have learnt how to drive car in this morning,wow~but 2 days more, I have a test to get my car license...
I feel so stress because I cant remember the way of the road, to have the test...annoying

came back from the school just now because I have to settle my national service since I need to study in university during national service...=(

---- everything is bothered me >.< ---- (going to sleep)