Girls' Generation

Girls' Generation

Sunday 22 May 2011

I'm gonna leaving =(

oh my goshhhh, I can't believe that I'm gonna leaving from my lovely sweet home.
tomorrow,I will move in to my dorm with my friends and join the orientation week from university on 24/5. T.T
I will miss my sweet home so muchhh especially for my family members...

yesterday, I called my friend to help me buy the pendrive.
She ask me want what colour for that pendrive
I said I want pink colour.
She is shocked !! =-= what the hell...hahaha
She said why suddenly I'm so girlish...ZZZ (I'm girl, okay?! = =)
I said I want this colour because of my Girls' Generation...
She is speechless...muahahahahaha
Well, I don't get the pink colour pendrive but red and black pendrive T.T
damn sad now!!!

-----hope everything will be okay-----

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